Poor Farm Cemetery Lists
This subpage contains information about Graves and Cemeteries related to persons that interacted with the Morgan County, IL Poorhouse and Farm.
Morgan County, IL Poor Farm Cemetery List
You can find on the STORE page a listing of persons buried at the poor farm cemetery for a $2.00 download. It is in .pdf, and is 148 pages in length. It was compiled by Dr. Joe Squillace utilizing an array of sources.
Where the Irish are Buried
When Irish Catholics died at the Poorfarm, they may have been buried at the Farm cemetery, or brought to the Catholic cemetery in Jacksonville - Calvary Cemetery (off Lincoln Ave). These individuals include: James Quiqley, John Cosgriff, Sport ‘Booze, Booze, Booze’ Doyle, Cornelius Berry, Thomas Flynn, and others. There are also pages dedicated to the Carroll’s - Michael Carroll was a longtime superintendent of the Poor Farm, and his family staffed the institution. I also posit the theory there is a small lot dedicated to ‘paupers’ at Calvary.
You can find the .pdf in STORE for free: “Calvary Cemetery notes”
Poorhouse and Farm Residents buried at Waverly Cemetery
There were 3 residents who died at the Poorhouse that were buried at the Waverly, IL, cemetery: Louis Price (see Blog post specifically about him), John Maryweather Nix, and John Holmes
John Maryweather Nix
The Morgan County Poorhouse record: male, white, widowed, 79 year old, Painter; Entered poorhouse: March 13, 1929; Died April 20, 1931
John Holmes
Poorhouse record: white male, 75 year old laborer, entered January 9, 1929, died November 19, 1929. “Buried in Waverly by Sister”